Attention Surfers and Paddlers
Paddle: HARD is a one hour bootcamp designed specifically for aquatic athletes that paddle for their sport. We meet once per week at Elysium Fitness at 117 West 72nd St. 2nd Floor. Friday night’s class is at 7pm.
The class begins with a movement preparation routine that warms up all the muscles and stretches tight areas.
It is followed by a core section that trains abs and low back muscles specifically needed for paddlers (most famously and the part of the class with the most groaning is the “swim and pop” – 5 repetitions of simulated surf paddling followed by the all important “pop up” that every surfer needs to master to get in position quickly and efficiently).
We then play the “pushup game” using a medicine ball to challenge core and upper body strength.
The most challenging part of the class is a circuit that focuses on conditioning the pulling muscles needed for your paddle sports. There is simulated rowing, simulated surf paddling, and general conditioning to get you into great shape so that you can be more competitive in your sport, last longer in the water, and have more fun.
We finish with a cool down and stretch. The class costs $15 per session and you can reserve your spot when you JOIN the Ke Aloha Meetup group Please reserve before each class since there is room for only 8 athletes.
The class is taught by Jason White, CSCS a veteran New York Personal Trainer and Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach. He regularly surfs Long Island and is focused on helping as many people as he can to become better athletes and more competitive in their chosen sport.